Colleen M. Proppé
2 min readFeb 25, 2024


It’s Girlscout Cookies season again, and they still don’t have an organic variety. It’s been years since I was a Girlscout, but it feels like every year since my sons were young — twenty years has passed, and there is an article every year about how some of the girls are petitioning to ask Girlscouts to make an organic cookie, yet the Girlscouts never seem to be able to get this accomplished.

It feels like a failure to them, I’m sure. It probably also feels unfair and wrong that their cookies are not of the best quality, and some of the ingredients may be made with pesticides that harm the groundwater, bees, butterflies and employees, yet they are still asked to sell them.

Is there any possibility Girlscouts could team up with Clif Bar or Annie’s to create a program that teaches these young girls how to make it happen? This would be a win for the planet and all companies involved — Maybe they could co-brand these organic varieties with participating company names and teach Brownies and Girlscouts more about how all food creation affects the planet, and the practices of organic agriculture and organic business?

I haven’t bought a box of Girlscout cookies in more than 20 years. I try very hard to only buy organic for my health and the planet.

Here are some links to the Girlscout articles mentioning efforts to remove non-GMOs and petitions to go Organic:

Non-GMOs in GirlScout Cookies

2013 petition for organic & non-GMO

Palm Oils in Girlscout Cookies


Finally, for anyone who wants to bake their own, healthy cookies at home, here is an organic Samosas Recipe you can make yourself:

Homemade Samosas Recipe

The Unprocessed Kitchen: Homemade “Samoas” (Grain Free, Paleo, Primal) — Deliciously Organic

Thank you for your consideration.



Colleen M. Proppé

Life-long artist and designer. I love creative writing, live music, acoustic guitar, golden doodles, border collies, nature, cycling and organic food. She/her.